Monday, November 18, 2013

Blog Assignment #14

Blog Post 14 teacher blogs

Not every one wants to teach the same grade or subject. Find a teacher blog for the grade and subject you plan to teach and write about 3 useful things you found on their blog. The blog you use cannot be one that you have been assigned in your C4T assignments.

I really enjoy working with 4th graders so I chose a 4th grade teacher. She goes by Farley and her blog is title Oh' Boy 4th Grade.
In this blog Farley writes about all school related things including strategies that work for her as a 4th grade teacher. The portion of her blog that I found most useful was the section she titled creations. In this section Farley includes items that she has created that she found useful in her classroom. These items include the words to the pledge done in a creative background, to do lists that are broken down and made simple for students to use, inspirational quote posters, and printable activities for students to do.

On her blog Farley also includes a section titled teacher block party, this section is broken don by grade level and in each grade level she includes links to other teacher blogs of that grade level. This section is great because you can find other teachers in the grade level you teach and communicate and find ideas through the blogs. In her posts Farley's topics range from classroom activities to her personal children and experiences. She also includes products that she has created or found to be useful in the classroom. One of the more recent products he posted about was a thanksgiving themed game that helps students review skills while having fun with thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jacquelyn!
    My name is Raven and I am also taking EDM 310 this semester. I enjoyed reading your blog post. I think you misspelled a word in your second paragraph. It should be down instead of don.
